haloven 5


It’s my most favorite time of year again–Halloween! I’ve decorated both inside and outside in a scary clown theme, inspired by the remake of Stephen King’s IT (worth seeing btw). Every time the young neighbor kids have to walk by my yard, the older girl shields her younger brother’s eyes and warns, “Don’t look at it.” Now that is “mission accomplished” in my book.

Each year I choose some costumes that go above and beyond. Behold my choices…

This costume scores big for ingenuity alone. I once had a boyfriend who called me his “little black raincloud” because black was my happy color and I was going through a phase where any jewelry I wore had to have snakes, spiders, or scorpions on it. This costume would have been perfect for me back then.


We all know pregnancy is no laughing matter, what with the feeling like you’re incubating an alien for 9 months of your life. So if you can find an ounce of funny in it, you’re a winner. This little guy wants out of his mommy, and no doubt she’s wishing the same: GET OUT, so I can see my ankles again!


This gem was in an article entitled “Questionable Costumes by Parents.” ?! The only questions I have are: How in the ever-loving hell do they walk? And, are you able to walk over to collect your First Prize ribbon?


Bonus points for any costume that involves swallowing something alive.





snake bite

Lest you think I’m all dark and gore, these costumes triumph for cuteness overload.

The TAIL. haha (Don’t you just want to squeeze him for freshness?! I know I do.)


I get these sponges every year for Christmas. Never use them; they scare me. But on her it looks pretty damn cute.


This costume is definitely worth $.25 x the 476 balls stuck onto his/her coconut x the hours it took to hot glue those suckers. WIN.



Who knew these sponges were so popular?









And last but not least, my personal favorite–the cast from Bob’s Burgers. Extra points if they can do the annoying voices.




4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Plectrumm
    Oct 25, 2017 @ 11:19:25

    That was great😎


  2. RisingSong
    Oct 25, 2017 @ 19:12:27

    Oh my goodness! Hilarious! My personal favorite is the gumball baby, but Soap and Water was pretty clever! Thanks for the laugh…always welcome 🙂


    • Tiffany N. York
      Oct 26, 2017 @ 11:28:43

      Some of the costumes out there just kill me. Like how do they come up with them??? I’ve been on a kick the last few years where I dress up my dog to match my costume. Last year we were both peacocks, the year before we were Egyptian cats. This year we’re going to be butterflies. She knows if she wants to roll with this family and come out trick or treating with us, she’s got to dress in costume and deal with her misery. haha

      Happy Halloween!


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